The Interfaculty Drama Competition 2023

The Center for Gender Equity and Equality at KDU and the Faculty of Management Social Sciences and Humanities in collaboration with KDU English Literary Club recently organized an inter-faculty drama competition on the theme “Gender Equity and Equality”. A total of 23 drama scripts were received from all the faculties of KDU.

The grand finale of the competition took place on October 12, 2023, at the FDSS Auditorium.  Vice Chancellor Rear Admiral HGU Dammika Kumara – Chief Guest and Mr Prasannajith Abesuriya – Guest of Honor graced the occasion. Deputy Vice Chancellor (Defence and Administration) Brigadier DCA Wickramasinghe and Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) Prof. KAS Dhammika, along with Dr. Lakshika Liyanage, Dean of the Faculty of Management, Social Sciences, and Humanities (FMSH), and the former Director of the Center for Gender Equity & Equality (CGEE), also graced the event.

The competition commenced in August, inviting students from all Faculties of KDU submit drama scripts related to the theme ‘Gender Equity and Equality’. Five scripts were selected for the semifinals, with three reaching the finals.

The grand finale showcased three exceptional dramas, with “Nil Kellek” from the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences emerging as the winner. The first runner-up was “Prefer not to Say,” performed by the Faculty of Management, Social Sciences, and Humanities, while the second runner-up was awarded to the Faculty of Law for their performance themed “Marana Thunak.” The event also featured dances, poetry recitals, and songs by our own undergraduates.

Individual talents were recognized with the selection of Best Actor K.A.A.R Kollure (Faculty of Law), Best Actress Manohari Thathsarani (Faculty of Allied Health Sciences), and Best Supporting Actor S.N.D.Sirimanna (Faculty of Allied Health Sciences), Best Supporting Actress D.M.P. Karawita (Faculty of Management Social Sciences and Humanities).

This inter-faculty drama competition provided a platform for KDU students to demonstrate their diverse talents and creativity beyond their academic pursuits, emphasizing the university’s commitment to a holistic and inclusive educational environment. It also helped to inculcate the importance of gender equity and equality in the hearts and minds of those who participated.