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Faculty of Engineering

Department of
Marine Engineering

Captain (E) TADBP Tissarachchi
MBA(MoT), BSc(Mar.Eng) DS, CEng(I), MIET, AMIE (SL), AMIE(I) Captain (E), Sri Lanka Navy
Head of the Department
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Eng. (Mr.) H.G. Samantha Hikkaduwa
BSc (DS) Mar Eng (Hons) (KDU), MEng (UOM), MMS (MC) (China), ADIE (NIBM), ADMM (NIBM), AMIE (SL). AMIE (India), MIET (UK), CEng (India)
Senior Lecturer Gr II
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LCdr (E) NVL De Silva
MBA (MoT), MSc MarEng, BSc(DS) MarEng, CEng (I), AMIE (SL)
Senior Lecturer
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LCdr (E) KREMSB Ekanayake
BTech Mech Eng, CEng (I), AMIE (SL), AMIE (I)
Lecturer (Probationary)
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LCdr (E) LAKR Athukorala
BSc. in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, AMIE (SL), AMIE (I), CEng (I)
Lecturer (Probationary)
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LCdr (E) MCH Chandrasiri
BSc (Hons) in Marine Engineering, AMIE (SL), AMIE (I), CEng (I)
Lecturer (Probationary)
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LCdr (E) RDMHM Ariyarathne
BSc Mar. Eng , CEng (I), AMIE (SL), AMIE (I)
Course Coordinator
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Mr. MM Kothalawala
B.Sc. (Hons) in Marine Engineering, AMRINA
Lecturer (Probationary)
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