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Faculty of Allied Health Science

Department of Basic Sciences

Mr. ARN Silva
BSc Biomedical Sciences (UK), MSc Medical Microbiology (UK), Microbiology Reading PhD, Coordinator- Micro-Biology Coordinator- Sociology and Anthropology
HOD / Senior Lecturer Grade II
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Dr. SP Senanayake
BSc – B.Med (Human Physiology) (Aus), MPH (Aus), PhD (Exercise Physiology) UK, CTHE (KDU), Department coordinator, Coordinator- Human Physiology
Senior Lecturer Grade II
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Dr AK Chandana
BSc (Colombo), MPhil (Peradeniya), PhD (Malaysia)- Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Coordinator- Basic Biochemistry
Senior Lecturer Grade II
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Dr. AMDS Karunaratna
BVSc (Hons) (Peradeniya), MPhil degree in Biochemistry (Peradeniya)
Senior Lecturer Grade II
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Dr. AWMKK Bandara
BVSc (Hons) (Peradeniya), PhD in Microbiology (USJ), Coordinator- Pathology
Senior Lecturer Grade II
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Dr. KDK Peshala Kumari
BSc (Hons) Human Biology (USJP), PhD (USJP) in Biochemistry, Coordinator – Human Anatomy
Senior Lecturer
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Dr. GU Jayaweera
BVSc (Hons) (Peradeniya), MPhil in Physiology (SJP), PG Dip Med Physiology, (PGIM, UoC), PG Cer Med Edu(PGIM, UoC)
Senior Lecturer Grade II
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Ms. RS Maddumage
BSc (Hons) Medical Laboratory Sciences KDU
Assistant Lecturer (Temporary)
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