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Faculty of Built Environment and Spatial Sciences

Department of Architecture

Archt. Nuwan Harendra Premarathna
Senior Lecturer Gr I
Head of the Department
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Archt. Prof. Harsha Munasinghe
Visiting Professor
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Archt. NMR Anjana Thamarangani Nawaratne
Senior Lecturer Gr I
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Archt. Sanjeeva Ravindra Guneratne
Senior Lecturer Gr I
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Archt. KNK Pathirana
Senior Lecturer Gr I
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Archt. WAP Saranga Kumara
Senior Lecturer Gr I
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Archt. RG Niluka Lakmali
Senior Lecturer Gr I
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Archt. DW Kasun Gayantha
Senior Lecturer Gr I
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Dr. (Archt) Rizna Arooz
Senior Lecturer Gr II
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Dr. (Archt) HT Rupasinghe
Senior Lecturer – Grade II
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Archt. H Darshana Asoka
Lecturer (Probationary)
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Ms. KDHJ Premarathne
Lecturer (Probationary)
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Ms. SMM Sanjunee
Lecturer (Probationary)
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Ms. KSKNJ Kudasinghe
Lecturer (Probationary)
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