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Faculty of Computing

Department of Information Technology

Mr. WAAM Wanniarachchi
Lecturer (Probationary)
Head of the Department
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Dr. (Maj) RMM Pradeep (Retd)
Senior Lecturer Grade I
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Dr. (Mrs.) DU Vidanagama
Senior Lecturer Grade I
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Mr. RPS Kathriarachchi
Senior Lecturer Grade II
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Dr. (Mrs.) N Wedasinghe
Senior Lecturer Grade II
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Mrs. WJ Samaraweera
(On Study Leave)
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Mr. WMSRB Wijayarathna
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Mrs. PRD Wijesinghe
Lecturer (Unconfirmed)
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Miss GAD Ganepola
(On Study Leave)
Lecturer (Probationary)
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MVT Kawya
Lecturer (Probationary)
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Ms. LDTT De Silva
Lecturer (Probationary)
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Ms. KAUI Senevirathne
Instructor – (Temporary)
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Ms. KBGSN Devindika
Instructor – (Temporary)
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