1. Urban Waterfront: challenges and Opportunities in Urban development
With reference to Colombo City
NMRAT Nawaratne, MLNH Premarathna and RGN Lakmali
2. Measuring Photovoltaic Potential in the Urban Environment
T Mendis, KNK Pathirana and M Rajapaksha
3. An Assessment of collective image of urban scape in the context of rapid
development with reference to Maharagama
PDJD Premaratne, AH Senaviratne, DM Warakagoda, PALVK Perera, MLNH
Premarathna and RGN Lakmali
5. Profile of risk factors, Chronic Non-communicable disease status and
purpose of using walking tracks among users in Kotte are, Sri Lanka
LK Hirimuthugoda, P Karunapema, HP Madarasinghe, SPK Wathudura and
DWK Gayantha