1. Malaysia’s Role in Peacebuilding in Southern Philippines
and its Impact on the Region
Major General Dato’ Abdul Rahim bin Hj. Mohd Yusuff (Retired)
First Holder of the Leadership Chair, Leadership Chair Office,
National Defence University, Malaysia
2. Changing Dynamics in the Maritime Domain: Special
Emphasis on the Indian Ocean
Rear Admiral William C. McQuilkin (Retired)
Former Director, U.S. Navy Strategy and Policy Division, U.S. Navy, USA
3. Changing Dynamics in the Global Environment:
Challenges and Opportunities faced by Bangladesh
Major General A K M Abdur Rahman NDC, psc
Directorate General, Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies,
4. New World Order Trends in Nuclear Politics: Challenges
and Opportunities
Professor Feroz Hassan Khan, BG (Retired)
Lecturer, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
5. Question & Answer Session
6. Changing Dynamics in the Global Environment:
Challenges and Opportunities in the Chinese Perspective
Senior Colonel Cai Jinsong
Deputy Director of Teaching and Interpretation Division of the College of Defense Studies
of National Defense University, People’s Liberation Army, China
7. Changing Dynamics in the Global Environment: The Story of Maldives
Brigadier General Wais Waheed psc
Commanding Officer, College of Defence and Security Studies, Maldives National
Defence Force, Maldives
8. Dynamics in the Korean Peninsula and its Implications for Global Security
Dr M Mayilvaganan, Associate Professor, International Strategic and Security Studies Programme, National
Institute of Advanced Studies, Indian Institute of Science Campus, India
9. Question & Answer Session
10. Summing up by the Chair