1. Behavior of Reinforced Full Scale Embankment on Hard Ground in
Phitsanulok, Thailand
Sailesh Shrestha, Dennes T Bergado and Takenori Hino
2. Response of a Floating Curved Pontoon Bridge Subjected to Tide Induced
Water Surface Variation: An Analytical Approach
J Dai, BK Lim and KK Ang
3. Numerical Simulation of Debonding of CFRP Strengthened Steel Beam
DDTK Kulathunga and DS Arahchige
4. Determination of Existing Relationship among Grindability, Chemical
Composition and Particle Size of Raw Material Mix at Aruwakkalu Limestone
BSM Mendis, THGS Jayathunga, HH Madurapperuma, LPS Rohitha, PGR
Dharmarathna and PBA Hemalal