1. Reconciliation between Two Koreas: Process and Prospect
Prof Young Ho Kim
Director General, Research Institute for National Security Affairs, Korea National Defence University, Korea
2. The Role of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in Strengthening Security System in Indonesia and the Challenges in the Future
Air Vice Marshal Dr Tatan Kustana, M.Bus.,M.A.
Vice Rector III, Cooperation and Inter Agencies Relations Indonesia Defence University, Indonesia
3. Re-Reading National Security from a Human Security Perspective
Professor Emeritus Gamini Keerawella
Executive Director, Regional Center for Strategic Studies (RCSS)
4. Challenges of an Island Nation: The Case of Maldives
Brigadier General Hamid Shafeeg, psc,ms
Director General of Operations and Training, Integrated Headquarters, Maldives National Defence Force and Deputy Director General of National Counter Terrorism Centre, Maldives
5. Defence Security and Peace: The Malaysian Experience
Major General (MG) Dato' Abdul Rahim Bin Hj Mohd Yusuff (Retired)
First Holder of the Leadership Chair, Leadership Chair Office, National Defence University, Malaysia