1. Risk Factors for Road Traffic Accidents among Drivers Admitted to Teaching
Hospitals Kandy and Kurunegala in 2017
NWM Madhumali, HMT Bandaranayaka, GC Hashari, HKB Ayesha, RMKP Rathnayaka, IUM Vithana, PL Weerawardhana and JMKB Jayasekara
2. Validity and Reliability of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) in Cancer Patients
AH Somathilake, CM Hettiarachchi, HS Niroshani and SH Egodage
3. Exposure to Patient Related Violence against Nursing Officers in Different Units, in Teaching Hospital Karapitiya (THK)
GD Punchihewa, NHDP Fonseka and SMRG Godawita
4. Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Dietary Management among Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) Patients
ACH Perera and MB Samarawickrama