1. Psycho-Social Factors Associated with Sri Lankan Women Seeking Employment in Middle East Countries as Housemaids
HGI Amarabandu, and SD Kaththriarachchi
2. Buddhist Practices in Rehabilitating War-Affected Children: A Sociological Study of How Buddhist Practices Contribute to the Rehabilitation of Waraffected Children in Sri Lanka
Kumari Thoradeniya
3. Social and Psychological Dimensions of Queer Representations in Indian Cinema: An Interpretative Analysis
Anee Bhattacharyya, and Kakoli Das
4. Determinants of Moonlighting of Teaching Professionals in Sri Lanka
SD Weerathunga and GRSRC Samaraweera
5. Restrictions in Language Education towards Persons with Visual Impairments: A Study on Orthography of Written Sinhala
Ridmi Handapangoda