Clean Water and Sanitation

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Clean Water and Sanitation is a global commitment to ensuring access to safe and sustainable water sources and sanitation facilities for all. At a time when access to clean water and sanitation has become a privilege, KDU recognizes the vital importance of clean water and sanitation in fostering a healthy and thriving community. 

KDU is committed to aligning the initiatives with SDG 6, ensuring access to clean water, and promoting sanitation for the entire university community. The entire community on all KDU campuses gets to use clean water for their needs for free. This involves implementing water conservation measures, raising awareness about responsible water usage, and maintaining proper sanitation facilities at the university.

Through academic research, educational programs, and community engagement, the university strives to instill a sense of environmental responsibility in students and, thereby, contribute to the global efforts towards achieving SDG 6. As an attempt to give back to the community, KDU ensures that the waterways and holes surrounding the university are maintained properly by cleaning them regularly, which not only enhances the cleanliness of the environment but also improves the quality of life of people living in close proximity. 

KDU also maintains a lake that is adjacent to its main campus. KDU regularly cleans the lake and maintains a jogging track around the lake, which is open to the general public.

Measures to prevent pollutant water from entering waterways

KDU is located in the capital city of the country. Hence, water pollution is of utmost importance to KDU and the community around it. To mitigate the impact, KDU has a proper wastewater treatment system in its university hospital. Wastewater is treated and reused for gardening and other purposes. Through such measures, KDU ensures that untreated wastewater does not seep into groundwater. KDU also actively promote waste reduction strategies in our community, from separating recyclable materials to reducing paper use. These cumulative efforts not only preserve the ecosystem surrounding KDU but also encourage sustainable practices among all.

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