Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all


This goal focuses on promoting sustained, inclusive economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. This objective acknowledges the significance of implementing policies that enhance economic well-being, encouraging entrepreneurship, and promoting policies that contribute to economic well-being.

In embracing Sustainable Development Goal 8, KDU is committed to fostering an environment that aligns with the principles of fair labour practices, economic inclusivity, and sustainable growth. KDU promotes a safe and fair working environment for academic, non- academic, and administrative staff both civil and military with the aim of enhancing the well-being of the individuals.

The university also provides our students with educational experiences that equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary for meaningful and dignified employment. Additionally, the university actively promotes research, programs, and partnerships that contribute to economic growth in our local and global communities. By instilling a commitment to decent work and economic advancement in our academic and operational practices, KDU strives to empower students to become responsible contributors to a world that values equitable opportunities and sustainable economic development.

Pay equity

KDU salary scales are decided based on government circulars. Academic staff salaries are decided based on relevant circulars issued by the University Grant Commission, whereas the salaries of the other staff are based on government establishment code issued by the Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government.

Useful links
University grant commission of Sri Lanka 
Establishment code

Work placement for students

KDU ensures that all its students who are in STEM areas find work placements for more than six months and obtain hands-on experience in the world of work.The goal is to integrate academic studies with practical skills, create a dynamic learning environment, and enhance career readiness. Through guided mentorships, specialized projects, and collaborations with prominent industry partners, students are given opportunities to apply the theory they've learned in real-world situations. This not only provides a critical edge in the competitive job market but also nurtures innovators, creators, and thought leaders of tomorrow. It’s pivotal in our mission to prepare students for the global marketplace and its demands efficiently.

5077Number of students following degrees in STEM areas

News Updates on Decent Work and Economic Growth in 2022

Other Goals in 2022