News & Events

December 01, 2022

Visit of State Minister of Defence to University Hospital, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University

The State Minister of Defence Hon. Premitha Bandara Tennakoon together with the Secretary of the Defence, General G D H Kamal Gunaratne WWV RWP RSP USP ndc psc MPhil made an visit to the University Hospital, Kotelawala Defence University on 01st  December 2022.KDU Vice Chancellor Major General Milinda Peiris RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc MPhil received the visiting dignitaries on their arrival at t
November 28, 2022

Visit of the Mental Health Team of NHS-UK on 22nd and 24th November 2022

The National Health Service (NHS), UK has provided concurrence that they are keen to recruit Sri Lankan nurses to the NHS to upgrade themselves whilst working in their international healthcare setting. KDU is currently partnering with a team of experts from NHS, East London to provide a training programme for Sri Lankan Nurses who wish to migrate to the UK to work as registered nurses in mental he
November 28, 2022

Awareness session about the support available for Women and access schemes in the university

An awareness session was conducted on the support schemes available for women at the university. The aim was to address the need to empower women, foster their academic and career progress, and create an environment of equality. Various access schemes were discussed, such as scholarships, financial aid, counselling services, career guidance, and daycare facilities. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Acad
November 21, 2022

Visit of Two Swedish Teachers to KDU under Linneus Palme Teacher/Student Exchange Programme

The collaborative Linneus Palme Student/Teacher Exchange Programme between the Faculty of Health Science, Kristianstad University, Sweden and the Department of Nursing & Midwifery, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences – KDU has been successfully continuing from 2018 to date. As a collaborative agreement, 02 Swedish Lecturers in Nursing (Ms. Lena Larsson and Ms. Emma Edberg) from Kristianstad Un
November 16, 2022

KDU signs an Agreement with the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand for a postgraduate capacity-building partnership programme

General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU) and Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand signed a Memorandum of Agreement on 14th November 2022 for a postgraduate capacity-building partnership programme. Under this agreement, KDU and AIT expect to conduct postgraduate research and expand the opportunities available for postgraduate studies for students and staff.The MOA was signed by
November 11, 2022

Media and Communication Studies in the degree component

In collaboration with the UNDP, the Department of Social Sciences introduced a novel module to their degree programme named ‘Media and Communication Studies’. This component was a novel input in the Social Sciences degree programme. It opened up a wide scope in the academic arena and it was identified as a requirement of the students through their feedback of non-violent communication programm
November 11, 2022

Collaborative project between UNDP and KDU on Non-violent Communication and Responsible use of Media

Larger UNDP funded project on Non-violent Communication and Responsible use of Media conducted by the Department of Social Sciences to provide space for students of the faculty to engage in media production. The Centre facilitates media research, video filming, voice covers, and podcast production to showcase the skills of KDU students, and it provides much needed space and facilities for recordin
November 11, 2022

Faculty of Technology of KDU donates text books to St. Clares Balika Maha Vidyalaya

A/L technology stream textbooks were donated to St. Clares Balika Maha Vidyalaya, Wellawatte as part of the Faculty of Technology's ongoing book donation program to help the GCE (A/L) Technology stream students. The event was held on September 5, 2022, on the premises of the school. The book donation campaign also aimed to increase female students' involvement in technology education.Com
November 05, 2022

Oath Ceremony of Intake 37 and 38 Nursing Undergraduates of FAHS

The Oath Ceremony of the Intakes 37 and 38 B.Sc. Nursing Undergraduates of the Department of Nursing & Midwifery, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences was held on 31st October 2022 at the faculty premises with the participation of Mr Janaka Sri Chandraguptha, Secretary, Ministry of Health as the Chief Guest. The ceremony was graced by distinguished invitees from the Ministry of Health, Teaching h
November 02, 2022

Educate school children outside about water conservation

An educational program was held in Ratmalana Kandawala Vidyalaya to increase awareness among schoolchildren about the importance of water conservation. The program was organized by the civil engineering department of the Faculty of Engineering as part of their CSR projects. Speaking on the occasion, Dr Nilupul Gnasekara stated that KDU allocates funds annually to maintain the waterways, especially
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