
In order to achieve these objectives, the major functions and responsibilities of the CQA will include the following.

  1. Support the university to prepare for external QA Institutional Reviews (IRs), and programme offering entities within the university (i.e. departments of study, faculties, campus) to prepare for external quality assurance assessments by assisting in compilation of Self Evaluation Reports (SERs), and in meeting accreditation requirements.
  2. Represent the interests of KDU at Standing Committee for Quality Assurance at UGC.
  3. Liase with Quality Assurance Council of the UGC and other external quality assurance agencies as well as relevant international agencies.
  4. Offer guidance and assistance to programme offering entities in defining programme objectives and outcomes, graduate profiles and course curricula which are in accordance with national reference points such as Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework and Subject Benchmark Statements.
  5. Provide guidance to all faculty Internal Quality Assurance Cells (IQACs) and Accredited Institutions of KDU in matters pertaining to QA.
  6. Promote and coordinate all quality assurance related activities within the university, through conduct of workshops, seminars, development of manuals, and other appropriate capacity building activities.
  7. Facilitate the identification of good practices and share them with academic departments.
  8. Implement QA aspects in the University Corporate Plan.
  9. Develop internal QA policies, review and revise by-laws and standard operational procedures necessary for governance and management the University.
  10. Prepare operation policy and procedure for academic accountability and workload calculation