Administration of Consultancy Projects

Administrative Functions

LogoOnce a project proponent selects KDU CONSU as their consultation service provider, the following criteria have to be followed:

  1. Send the Terms of Reference (ToR) of the proposed project to the proposed Team Leader/Expert of KDU or to the Head of KDU Consultancy Services Unit (KDU CONSU).
  2. Provide information of the project proponent (address, contact numbers and email addresses with details of the project).
  3. The expected duration of the proposed project with required effective man months / man days for the consultants of the entire project.
  4. Once these details are provided, the proposed team of consultants and the proposed budget will be provided for negotiations.
  5. Once the budget is finalized with agreements from both parties, contractual agreement will be signed after obtaining official approval of KDU to commence the work.