
Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities receives a grant from Eurasia foundation

Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities receives a grant from Eurasia foundation

Eurasia Foundation (from Asia), a non-profit organization in Japan which supports various activities to stimulate a common sense of values among Asian communities and to deepen their mutual understanding through economic, educational, cultural exchanges as well as citizens’ good-will meetings. The aim is to create a rich, peaceful and secure Asian Community where people can live together each holding their own dreams and hopes, which will result in global peace and security.

Dr Hemantha Premarathna, of the Faculty of Management, Social Science and Humanities of KDU together with his overseas collaborator Prof Hajime Tozaki, Professor in Economics at Oberlin University in Japan have secured a research grant from Eurasia foundation to conduct a course on “Cultural Linkages towards an Asian Ideology”. KDU is the second Sri Lankan University to receive this grant since 2013.

Further information on Eurasia Foundation and the list of Sri Lankan universities qualified for the grants are in the following websites: