

To become a globally recognized university, with a good network of international relations.


To foster international relations for learning, research and development of KDU through the facilitation of links, providing relevant information to and from KDU with international academic institutions, liaison such links with university faculties and coordination of required assistance to faculty and students.


  • To maintain productive relationships with key external partner organizations such as foreign Universities, regulatory authorities and other sponsors.

  • To coordinate and facilitate KDU’s international collaborations as required by the faculties with institutions across the globe.

  • To promote collaborative and innovative research between the KDU and partner universities.

  • Implement new study abroad programmes and develop/expand existing partnerships.

  • Create Postgraduate opportunities for faculty abroad and assist in developing curricula through institutional links and faculty exchange.

  • Strengthen E-learning and distance learning programmes for postgraduate students.

  • To promote and coordinate the exchange of international research scholars and students.

  • To coordinate overseas training and development programmes/visits of administrative and other related staff and coordinate similar programmes in Sri Lanka for potential foreigners who wish to come to KDU.

  • To provide Visa / Customs assistance to foreign scholars and delegates visiting KDU.

  • To organize joint conferences, seminars and workshops with partner universities.

  • To assist degree programmes at KDU to set up pathway programmes with reputed foreign universities.

  • To manage and assist in documentation to develop and maintain KDU’s bilateral agreements and participation in networks and organizations.

  • To prepare relevant MOUs, MOAs, CDAs (confidentiality agreements) /NDAs (non- disclosure agreements) and assist in the preparation of contractual agreements with foreign partners.

  • Coordinate and arrange meetings with relevant parties for the smooth conduct of the above functions.

  • To coordinate with relevant government institutions and ministries, and prepare relevant institutional policy documents, for the smooth conduct of above functions.

  • Facilitate obtaining approvals from ministries, authorities, cabinet as required.