
Visit of the Ambassador of Afghanistan to KDU

Visit of the Ambassador of Afghanistan to KDU

On the 19th November 2020 His Excellency M. Ashraf Haidari the Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to Sri Lanka and Mr. Rasik Alham, the First Secretory visited KDU and held a very productive discussion on various matters of mutual interest. Among many topics discussed, the Ambassador was very keen on facilitating academic and research partnerships between KDU and Afghan Institutes. He also requested the Vice Chancellor to avail more opportunities to Afghan students in various KDU degree programmes. Expressing his gratitude for paying a visit to KDU, the Vice Chancellor stated that academic and research collaborations help strengthen friendship among nations. As a pleasant remembrance of his visit, a memento and a coffee table book was presented to his excellency the Ambassador by the Vice Chancellor of KDU.

Present on the occasion with the Vice Chancellor Major General Milinda Peiris were the Director International Relations Dr KMGP Premadasa, Dean R&D Prof CL Goonasekara and the Deputy Registrar Lt Cdr (C) DMS Dissanayke.