Abstract should consist of concise information of the content of the article and shall be informative, accessible and state the main results obtained. o It shall be a summary of the research findings with objectives, a brief methodology, major findings and conclusions and shall not contain table numbers, figure numbers, references or equations and shall not exceed 300 words.
Keywords should appear immediately after the abstract, and provide a maximum of 6 separated by a comma.
Introduction shall be concise describing the nature of the research problem concerned with its background. All relevant references shall be cited and all the highly specialized terms should be expanded indicating all abbreviations used in the article. o Methodology
The methods used in the research shall be described in terms of qualitative , quantitative or mixed techniques or otherwise.
The methodology has to be described clearly providing sufficient details of the research design, conceptual design (optional) simulation techniques, statistical tests or analyses carried out to generate the results so as to allow the methodology to be repeated by other researchers. o Results
Describe the details of the major findings and the outcomes of the study in the results section. Use tables to improve clarity and express results using graphs, statistical diagrams wherever relevant.
Submit the tables of the publication as editable text and not as images. Incorporate the tables in the relevant places of the body text. Table shall be numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance. The table title shall appear on the top of the table with any explanatory captions below the title. Ensure that the data presented in tables do not duplicate results described in the body text. o Figures
Figure title has to appear at the bottom of the figure. All Figures including maps, photographs and plates shall be numbered in the relevant sequence and their title has to appear at the bottom. Figures, graphics, plates, photographs and maps shall have approximately 300dpi with embedded fonts and have to be inserted in the relevant place of the text.
This section shall include the discussion of the significance of results and compare the findings with the findings of the previous researchers using relevant references. o Conclusion
Conclusions drawn from the research should be summarized with recommendations for future research.
If it is needed, the appendices shall appear before the Acknowledgements. If there are multiple Appendices they have to be labeled as Appendix A, B, C and D etc. o Acknowledgements
The author/s have to incorporate the financial assistance received for the research, and also any intellectual support received during the work etc. under this section. o References
Ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list. If these references are included in the reference list,they should follow the latest edition of Harvard referencing style which is the standard reference style of the journal. Citation of a reference as 'in press' implies that the item has been accepted for publication. Use of the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is encouraged and that can be used to cite and link to electronic articles.
Word Count
The word count of the abstract shall be maximum of 300 words and the total word count of the manuscript excluding references shall be 4000 to 5000 words.