KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (KJMS)

The KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary studies (KJMS) is published biannually, in July and in November by the General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka. KJMS is an international open access and peer reviewed journal to publish high quality original research papers from different disciplines and interdisciplinary approaches.

The journal is open to researchers of diverse disciplines on Strategic & Defence Studies, Medical and Health Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Built Environment and Spatial Sciences, Engineering, Social Sciences & Humanities, Law, Management, Computing, etc.

KJMS publishes the author guidelines at https://lms.kdu.ac.lk/kjms/ and authors shall use the live template and the author guidelines downloadable from KJMS link to prepare the manuscript. Authors shall submit the filled author declaration form downloadable from the website (editorkjms@kdu.ac.lk.) with the manuscript. Prior to sending the manuscripts for the reviewing process, the Editorial Board arranges to screen the manuscripts to check whether they fulfil the journal criteria published on the website. Then a suitable plagiarism software is used to assess the originality of the contents of the manuscripts.

KJMS adopts a double blind peer review process to ensure the quality of publications. The Editorial Board decides on two referees per manuscript with the required subject expertise for the double-blind peer review. Based on the comments and the recommendations of the two referees, the Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the Editorial Board, has the right to decide the acceptance of the manuscript as it is for publication in the upcoming journal volume, resubmission with revisions, rejection, or holding the manuscript in the waiting pool for the next issue. The authors receive the decision of the Editorial Board with relevant details.

Editor(s), author(s), and specialized proof readers will involve in proof-reading and finalizing the manuscript for inclusion in the volume. The Editorial Board of the journal assigns the manuscript to a planned volume of KJMS. Once the volume is ready, it is published online, followed by the printed version.

Focus of this journal is to encourage researchers to publish research papers in a multidisciplinary/ interdiciplinary platform cutting cross boundaries in various disciplines.

Aim and Scope

Focus of this journal is to encourage researchers to publish research papers in a multidisciplinary platform cutting cross boundaries in various disciplines.


Multidisciplinary studies for betterment of life.


Provide opportunities for researchers to share knowledge on critical issues on a multidisciplinary platform

Recent Publications