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Dr Kalpana Ambepitiya, the director of the Career Guidance Unit (CGU) was invited to deliver the guest speech at the Commerce Day 2023 of Holy Family Convent Kalutara. The event took place on October 20, 2023, under the theme “Blue Ocean and Environment.” The summary of her speech highlighted the following points.

Sri Lanka, often referred to as the “pearl of the Indian Ocean,” possesses invaluable natural resources, especially its diverse coastline, marine biodiversity, and coastal communities. Positioned strategically, Sri Lanka holds historical significance in international maritime relations dating back to the first century. Amid the global emphasis on developing blue economies, Sri Lanka faces the dual challenge of preserving its ocean’s ecological balance while harnessing economic potential.

The article underscores the need for a balanced approach to economic growth and environmental conservation in Sri Lanka’s blue economy. The country’s marine resources, crucial for industries such as fisheries and tourism, significantly contribute to economic growth. However, uncontrolled exploitation poses threats such as overfishing, habitat destruction, and pollution.

To address these challenges, the article advocates for sustainable fisheries through policies like closed seasons and conservation measures. It also proposes eco-friendly tourism practices and the exploration of renewable energy sources from the ocean. Recognizing the impact of climate change on coastal areas, the article recommends investments in climate resilience projects, mangrove restoration, and sustainable coastal development.

The success of Sri Lanka’s blue economy hinges on the active involvement of coastal communities, collaboration with international entities, and transparent governance. While challenges persist, the commitment to sustainable practices in fisheries, eco-tourism, renewable energy, and climate resilience can pave the way for a balanced and prosperous future in the maritime sector.