Visit of Ven Pelpola Vipassi Thero to KDU

Chief Sanghanayake for Japan and South East Asia Venerable Pelpola Vipassi Thero visited KDU on 22nd November. Ven Vipassi thero met with the Vice Chancellor Major General Milinda Peiris, DVC (Academic) Prof KAS Dhammika Director KDU-CARE Prof TL Weerawardena, Dean R&D Prof CL Goonasekara, Dean FOM Dr NL Wijesekara, Executive Director of University Hospital KDU Dr J Balawardena and other faculty members of KDU-CARE. The discussion was held to explore possible funding opportunities from Japan to build the advanced research laboratory complex of KDU. This was followed by a visit to the KDU-CARE/FOM laboratories and University Hospital KDU.