Marine Engineering Department Introduces Solar-Powered E-Rickshaw

In a groundbreaking initiative to address the pressing energy crisis faced by Sri Lanka and the world, the Marine Engineering Department of KDU has successfully introduced a solar-powered electric rickshaw (E-rickshaw) under the visionary guidance of the Vice-Chancellor Major General Milinda Peiris RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc MPhil (Ind).
The rising demand for transportation, coupled with the depletion of non-renewable energy sources, has necessitated the exploration of sustainable alternatives. The Marine Engineering Department at KDU has risen to the challenge, harnessing the power of solar energy to develop environmentally friendly transportation. The solar-powered e-rickshaw is equipped with an electric motor coupled with a battery that stores electricity generated from state-of-the-art photovoltaic panels.
The solar-powered E-Rickshaw not only offers affordable transportation but is also an economically viable investment. With a modest price tag of Rs. 200,000.00, the E-Rickshaw proves to be a cost-effective alternative to traditional vehicles. The low maintenance and operating costs further contribute to the financial sustainability of this initiative, ensuring long-term benefits for the community. Hence, it is expected to expand the service to the public at a very low cost in the near future.
As the first step of promoting the concept of utilizing E- rickshaws among the KDU community and public, a transport facility using E-rickshaws was offered to the patients who arrive for treatments at the University Hospital of KDU (UHKDU). This session was conducted along the KDU University Hospital Road, Werahera on 22nd June 2023 with the unwavering support of the undergraduates of the Marine Engineering Society in KDU. Further, this programme also fulfilled a Cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR) project of undergraduates.
Cmde(E) MCP Dissanayake, USP, psc, Head of the Department of Marine Engineering spearheaded the implementation of this solar-powered E-Rickshaw with the Department’s esteemed lecturers and others. This collaborative effort showcases the power of innovative thinking, sustainable solutions, and community support extended by KDU.
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