KDU strives to strengthen the research landscape of the institution in particular, and of the country in general. We believe our research should largely cater for the needs of the society, country and the world. 

Our partnerships with universities, industries, government and communities worldwide give research at KDU global reach and impact. KDU academics and students often work together as teams, bringing their research ideas on to one platform and coming up with new knowledge and innovations to improve the living.

Office of the Dean Research and Development (ODRD)
KDU established the ODRD to streamline its on-going research initiatives while promoting and maintaining sustainable research and development activities of the university. It further oversees the overall coordination and management of research activities of all Faculties, Centres, and other academic Units of the KDU. Learn More>>

Want to become a research student of KDU?

Our Faculty of Graduate Studies provides the opportunity for you to register as a research student for your postgraduate studies, full time or part time.

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Learn how KDU helps to carryout your research & recognizes your contribution

Various aspects of support for researchers are taken cared of by the ODRD. If you are a student or a new researcher, and needs help with developing your research proposal, grant application or manuscript, ODRD is there to help you. Through the ODRD, KDU offers significant financial support to researchers; funding for carrying out research, reimbursing publication fees in high impact journals, and funding for participating in conferences local as well as overseas. It also announces funding/ studentship/ award opportunities available elsewhere. ODRD further conducts regular workshops/ short courses in research related topics to train the budding researchers and the students. As a guidance to the researchers to learn about the proper conduct of research and innovation, finding the best journal to publish your findings, your Intellectual Property Rights, administration of research grants, the KDU has developed various policies. Further, KDU researchers are recognized through granting a Research allowance and awarding Research excellence awards annually.

Ethical Aspects of your Research

We guide researchers to help them comply with ethics requirements and guidelines relevant to your research. This includes achieving the highest human ethics and animal care standards are in place. If a research project involves animals or human subjects the researcher must apply for appropriate ethics approval. This detailed process involves review by a committee and may require changes to the proposal. Ethics approval is required prior to commencing research. There are two such Ethics committees at KDU; one for Health and Animal Sciences related research and the other for relevant research in other disciplines.

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Policies related to Research

In order to guide and support the researchers, KDU has developed several policies related to various aspects of research.

Policy on Research, innovation and commercialization

  • Policy on Publications
  • Policy on Intellectual Property
  •  Policy on Research Grants

Statistics of funding and publications

You can learn more about the statistics of our annual funding for research and our output in terms of publications, awards and patents