No man’s water? How the Indian Ocean became political. Guest Lecture by Dr Berenice Guyot-Rechard

A Lecture titled, “No Man’s Water, How the Indian Ocean became political” was held at General Sri John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU) on the 02nd of July 2024. Conducted by Dr. Bérénice Guyot-Réchard, Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in 20th c. International History at King’s College London, a comprehensive lecture on the politicization of the Indian Ocean and its effects, particularly on Sri Lanka was held, followed by an interactive Q and A session. This event was initiated as a collaboration between the Centre for Strategic Assessment at KDU and Geopolitical Cartographer.
H.E. Lisa Whanstall – Acting High Commissioner of the British High Commission, Dr. Harinda Vidanage – Director of Centre for Strategic Assessment, Admiral Jayantha Perera from Geopolitical Cartographer, Senior Professor Nayani Melegoda from Regional Centre for Strategic Studies (RCSS), Mrs. Visaka Dharmadasa, Chairperson of the Association of War Affected Women, and Dr. Sanath De Silva – program manager, attended the event alongside KDU staff and students that included both military and civil personnel.