Signature Seminar 2023: Responding to Disinformation and Building Disinformation Resilience

The Faculty of Defence & Strategic Studies (FDSS) and the Centre for Strategic Assessment (CSA) organized the second consecutive signature Seminar on 14th December 2023 at the Faculty of Graduate Studies addressing the issues of Responding to Disinformation and Building Disinformation Resilience. This consequential event was committed to expounding upon the intricate challenges posed by disinformation within the contemporary global landscape, with a specific focus on devising strategies to bolster resilience against this evolving threat. The Chief Guest, Honorable MUM Ali Sabry PC MP, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the secretary of ministry Mrs. Aruni Wijewardane graced the occasion with their distinguished presence. The conference was structured into three distinct sessions, each delineated by the overarching themes of “Strategic & International Relations,” “Political Economic & Legal,” and “Social Engineering & Operational Challenges.” Nine distinguished speakers, comprising both international and Sri Lankan authorities, actively contributed their insights and ideas throughout the entirety of the conference. Participants from Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Attorney Generals Department, and corporate sector took part in the seminar.
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