Mess Night – Intake 38

The Annual Mess Night of Intake 38 of General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University was held at Officer Cadet’s Mess on 18th November 2022, in a very glamorous environment.
The Vice Chancellor of Kotelawala Defence University, Major General MP Peiris RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc MPhil, graced the glorified occasion as the Chief Guest. In addition, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Defence and Administration), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academics), Registrar, Deans of the faculties, Senior Military Officers, Senior Lecturers, Squadron Commanders and Troop Commanders of the Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies (FDSS), University senior most Officer Cadet and 270 Officer Cadets from Intake 38 participated in the memorable event.
The Mess Night of Intake 38 was replete with Military decorum and traditions along with the display of the President’s Colours and University Colours. A five-course menu that was served reflected a parsimonious adherence to long-preserved customs and traditions in the military. The musical accompaniment in attendance followed with the loyal toast. A total of three customarily toast was offered, including a toast to HE, the President. This was a perfect opportunity for the Officer Cadets of Intake 38 to learn about traditional military customs and values related to Mess nights.
The Mess Night of Intake 38 was the last event of the annual events of Officer Cadets of Intake 38 and their last event to celebrate as a whole Intake during their stay at KDU. It was planned to mark the completion of the Academic Tenure of the Officer Cadets of Intake 38, who will be leaving for their respective Military Academies in January 2023.
The Mess Night was organized under the guidance and supervision of the Dean of the Faculty of Defence and Strategic Studies, the Squadron Commander of Intake 38 and Troop Commanders along with other Officers of the FDSS.
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