Degree ProgrammeDateName list of Eligiblecandidates forCertificate Inspection& Preliminary InterviewTimeInstructionsforCertificateInspectionProgramme& PreliminaryInterviewMaleFemaleBachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)12.10.2022 0630 hrs13.10.2022 14.10.2022 26.10.2022 BSc (Hons) in Engineering18.10.20220630 hrs19.10.2022 0630 hrs20.10.2022 0630 hrs20.10.2022 0900 hrsBSc in Management & Technical Sciences31.10.2022 0630 hrs31.10.2022 0800 hrsBSc in Logistics Management03.11.2022 0630 hrs03.11.2022 0830 hrs04.11.2022 0630 hrs04.11.2022 0830 hrsBSc in Social Sciences17.11.2022 0630 hrs17.11.2022 0900 hrs17.11.2022 1100 hrs18.11.2022 0630 hrs18.11.2022 0900 hrs18.11.2022 1100 hrsBA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)23.11.20220630 hrsBSc (Hons) in Software Engineering25.11.2022—–0630hrsBSc in Strategic Studies and International Relations28.11.2022 0630hrs28.11.2022 0630hrs28.11.2022 0900hrs29.11.2022 0630hrsBSc (Hons) in Information Technology25.11.2022—–0900 hrsBSc in Police Science05.12.2022—–0630hrsBSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice05.12.20220630hrsBachelor of Architecture05.12.2022—–0800 hrsBSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying05.12.2022—–0800 hrsBSc (Hons) in Surveying Sciences05.12.2022—–0800 hrsBT (Hons) in Information and Communication Technology05.12.2022—–1130hrsBET (Hons) in Construction Technology05.12.2022—–1130hrs