Instruction Letter – Degree Programme Name ListDateTimeMaleFemaleBachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)08.11.20220600hrs 0900hrs 1200hrs BSc (Hons) in Engineering16.11.20220600hrsBSc (Hons) in Software Engineering23.12.20220800hrs—–BSc in Management & Technical Sciences02.12.20220600hrs30.12.2022 —-BSc in Logistics Management06.12.20220600hrsBSc in Social Sciences30.12.2022 BA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)23.12.20220800hrsBSc in Strategic Studies and International Relations23.12.20220600hrsBET (Hons) in Construction Technology30.12.2022 —-BSc in Police Science30.12.2022 —-BSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice30.12.2022 —-Bachelor of Architecture30.12.2022 —-BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying BSc (Hons) in Surveying Sciences30.12.2022 —-BSc (Hons) in Information Technology —-BT (Hons) in Information and Communication Technology30.12.2022 —-